If you are a person interested in massage and government rule-making, there is currently an opportunity for you to apply to serve on the WA Department of Health Board of Massage Therapy. One Member (the "Public" Member) of the Board must be a resident of WA who is not employed in or have a material financial interest in the provision or administration of healthcare services.
Click here to find out more about the Board of Massage Therapy. Click here to find out more about this opportunity and/or apply to be considered. Summer is here and the children are getting out of school! That means, until September, Warrior Massage hours of availability for massage will be on different hours than during the school year. Until late September when school resumes, my hours will be as follows:
Saturday 9am-3pm Sunday 9am-3pm Monday 8am-10:15am Tuesday 8am-10:15am Wednesday 8am-10:15am Thursday 8am-10:15am Friday 8am-10:15am This change is already reflected on the online booking calendar, so if you book there the hours you see are the accurate available spots. Enjoy the beautiful summer and I'll see you soon! Researchers at Indiana University are seeking massage clients who use massage to support their emotional well-being to participate in a research study! It will involve a brief survey followed by a virtual interview, and participants selected for the interview will be compensated for their time with an Amazon gift card.
Click here to view the study flyer This study is not associated with Warrior Massage, it is shared here for those who may be interested and to help the researchers in their work to further the field of massage generally. Ever have trouble getting the spot you want? Now you can book recurring appointments so you always get the massage appointment on the day and time that works best for you. Just let me know what recurring spot you'd like and I will book it for you.
Recurring appointments can be set to repeat at almost any interval - daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, every three months, etc. You can choose specific intervals (eg, 10:45 every other Thursday) or specific days (eg, 11:30 on the second Sunday of every month). They can be set to recur for up to a year from the current date to secure your favorite spot. And if you change your mind, or your regular spot doesn't work for you EVERY time? You can always cancel or reschedule one or all of your upcoming appointments with at least 24 hours' notice (and as much more headway as you're able would be nice so the spot is available for others). There is no cost to setting recurring appointments; payment is made at time of service or by redeeming credits from your membership or treatment package. Appointments scheduled more than 60 days out are subject to change as your therapists' work schedule is not locked in. A quick heads-up to all, as is my annual practice I review the market for massage in the area and my prices, and it's time to raise them again. As of January 1st the regular price for a 1-hour massage paid at time of service will be $100. The membership discount will remain the same amount so those with a Samurai membership (or Ronin package) will pay $85 per 1-hour massage.
In more exciting news, due to some back-end software changes in the handling of patient accounts, if you have credits for a massage on your account from your membership or package, you will now be able to share those credits with your spouse, partner, family member, friend, colleague, or random acquaintance! Simply let me know prior to your loved one's visit that you'd like to use one of your account credits to pay for their massage, and you can effortlessly share the gift of massage across patient accounts. (I have to hear from the account holder GIVING the credit, because while I'd love to be able to take your mother-in-law's word that you'll be paying for her massage I don't want to get in the middle of any uncomfortable household rivalries). I've upgraded my clinic management suite and will be letting you all know about changes that affect you as I roll them out. First up: text message reminders! E-mail confirmations have always been sent immediately after booking an appointment, and reminders for appointments have always been sent out 1 week prior and 1 day prior to appointments. If you haven't been receiving them, please let me know! It's usually because there is a typo in your email address on file.
Starting now, you have the option to receive reminders by SMS/text message instead of by email! Just let me know (by text or email, or the next time you see me!) that you prefer text message reminders and I will switch your reminder preference in your client file. You can also select either text or email reminders when you book a new appointment. With the start of the school year, my availability is changing! The new hours are already reflected in the online scheduling system so if you've been scheduling online, the dates/times you saw available were in fact correct. Here is my new schedule of available times:
Saturday: 9am - 3pm Sunday: 9am - 3pm Monday: Closed Tuesday: 9:30am - 2:15pm Wednesday: 9:30am - 2:15pm Thursday: 9:30am - 2:15pm Friday: Closed This new schedule opens up two more spots per week, as well as some more availability later in the day on weekdays. Hopefully it will be more convenient for all! See you soon! As you may have heard, as of April 3rd, the WA Department of Health no longer requires that everyone wear masks in healthcare settings. As a result, masks will no longer be required at Warrior Massage.
However, if you are vulnerable to contagious/respiratory infections, or live with someone who is vulnerable, or if it is simply your preference to continue wearing a mask, masking is still encouraged. We still have masks available if you would like to wear one and forgot to bring one to your appointment, and your therapist will be happy to wear one by your request. Stay safe and take care, and we'll see you soon. As universal masking mandates have ended, you may not be aware that the WA Department of Health still mandates masking for all providers, staff, patients, and visitors at all healthcare facilities. Any location where a licensed healthcare provider comes into contact with patients, is considered a healthcare facility. Licensed Massage Therapists are considered healthcare providers in the state of Washington and are explicitly included in this mandate from the Department of Health.
You may also have heard that the office of the Governor of Washington is ending its state of emergency as well as numerous regulatory emergency orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This does not include the mandate for masking in healthcare settings, which comes from the Department of Health and is within their normal healthcare regulatory powers, not the emergency powers granted to the office of the Governor by the declared state of emergency. Please bring a mask to your massage appointments; if you forget or you don't have one, we will provide you with a disposable mask which you will be required to wear during your appointment. Thank you for your understanding. Also; massage prices will be increasing on January 1st of 2023. It will be a $5 increase. Please be aware that any gift cards purchased are redeemable for the value on the card, not redeemable for a particular service. If your gift card will no longer have enough value to pay the full price of your session, you can still redeem it for the value on the gift card and pay the difference at time of service by cash, check, or credit card. If you have credit on your account from a Samurai Membership or Ronin Package, you can still redeem the credit at the 2022 price until March 1st, 2023. After that date, you will still be able to redeem the credit but will be billed at the new 2023 member rate. If you have any questions about masking or the price increase, please email me at [email protected]. Dear clients, please be aware that ClinicSense, the scheduling and clinic management software used at Warrior Massage, is currently experiencing an issue with emails being blocked/filtered by some e-mail service providers. This is especially true for Microsoft-operated email services (hotmail.com, outlook.com, msn.com, and live.com).
ClinicSense is working to resolve the issue. Until then, if you are unsure if you have successfully scheduled an appointment, or if you have an upcoming appointment and/or you do not receive an expected notification email, please text me at 202-413-6999 or send me an email at [email protected], and I will be happy to confirm whether or not you have an appointment scheduled. You can also add [email protected] to your email program's address book; this will let your email provider know it is a legitimate service and help to prevent the appointment notifications from being blocked or sorted into your spam folder. |
Jesse Jones, LMT
Owner and therapist at Warrior Massage Archives
January 2025
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Created by: Jesse Jones & Jessica Jones
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