In all aspects of life, one needs a guiding set of principles. Business is not different, nor is massage therapy. Following are the seven principles that guide every aspect of how Warrior Massage operates.
Duty (Gi)
Duty is right action. In every moment there is a right way to act and a wrong way. There is no choice: a warrior must act rightly.
Compassion (Jin)
The most fundamental, and most-often forgotten virtue of the warrior. Without compassion, one's strengths are wasted and they are no better than the basest villain. Caring for others is, and shall remain, the purpose of all practices of Warrior Massage.
Respect (Rei)
One should always show courtesy to others, and treat others as they themselves would be treated, regardless of status, rank, or relationship. Warrior Massage will never talk down to, take for granted, or dismiss the concerns of a client.
Honor (Meiyo)
One should strive to live every moment of one's life with the highest virtue. This means not only behaving in a virtuous manner good for one's reputation in the public eye, but behaving in that manner even (and especially) when one could get away with behaving selfishly.
Sincerity (Makoto)
Those who lead an honorable life have nothing to fear from the truth. Warrior Massage will never engage in any practices that are dishonest, deceptive, or lacking in transparency.
Loyalty (Chuugi)
Service is at the heart of the warrior: what strength one possesses only has purpose in serving others. Warrior Massage is loyal only to its clients and their needs: not to any corporate masters, business partners, or shareholders.
Courage (Yuuki)
Courage is not the absence of fear, but the ability to continue on regardless. Warrior Massage will always strive to follow these seven principles, regardless of the difficulty or price of doing so.